This is my personal website, built with SvelteKit and Tailwind CSS. Nothing really special about it, but was bored one night and decided to make it :)
A service for linking Discord and Minecraft accounts. Allows you to authenticate and prove Minecraft account ownership. Written with SvelteKit, a MySQL database and custom Minecraft server in Kotlin.
A web proxy/client for the Gopher protocol that allows you to view Gopher sites in your
browser. Built with SvelteKit, deployed on Cloudflare Workers using their
A simple cross-platform remote file management tool to upload and download files over HTTP/S. Written in Rust and a Vue frontend.
Website for HackPNW, a high school hackathon I help organize. Built with SvelteKit and deployed on Cloudflare Pages with a MySQL database. It handles registration, project submission and event administration.
A simple guide for shadow negotiations in Persona 5. Reversed the game's negotiation system to extract the data and present it in an easily accessible format with search.
My first large web app was Phasmojournal, a tool/helper for the multiplayer game Phasmophobia. I utilized Firebase to build rooms with realtime data syncing between clients. It also features authentication to link rooms to a stream overlay (eg: on which allows the stream audience to see the information too.